Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spell casting in which the caster decides on a goal, visualises the end result and focuses intent or will to manifest that result.
Candles are a staple item in any magical tool kit.
Candles are used to amplify and release energy. You can leave them unlit around your home to promote positive vibes or use them lit in rituals.
Candle magic is driven by the element of fire, which represents transformation. Fire changes everything it interacts with, whether it turning a love letter to ashes or making the kettle boil for a cup of tea! This transformational energy is what you are channeling when using spell candles to encourage and accelerate changes in your life.
We have some amazing spell candles to help get you started if this an area of interest for you. They all come with a spell card to guide you through your ritual.. remember its all about intention and manifesting the changes you desire...
I always use a cleansing spell candle for my New Moon ritual (setting my intentions for the coming month) and the anxiety spell candle when I get stressed! The protection candle is good if you are having problems sleeping. They also smell great and come with a crystal to magnify your manifesting.. what is not to like...